Bridging Blocks and Bricks

State of Digital Art Display: 2023 MidYear–New Blockchains, A Challenging Economic Environment for Artists, Near Ground-Stop on New Display Products, Alternate Options to Get Your Digital Art Fix

State of Digital Art Display: 2023 MidYear–New Blockchains, A Challenging Economic Environment for Artists, Near Ground-Stop on New Display Products, Alternate Options to Get Your Digital Art Fix

The world of digital art display and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) has witnessed significant developments in 2023, marking a pivotal midpoint in the year. While new blockchains have emerged to support NFTs, artists have faced a challenging economic environment. 
Furthermore, the anticipated surge in new digital art display products seems to have hit a roadblock. However, despite these setbacks, there are still alternate options available for art enthusiasts to explore and satisfy their appetite for digital art. 

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State of Digital Canvas and NFT Display Spring 2022–You Love Your NFT’s & web3 Art, Start Here to Discover Options Beyond Your Phone

State of Digital Canvas and NFT Display Spring 2022–You Love Your NFT’s & web3 Art, Start Here to Discover Options Beyond Your Phone

With so many new companies launching, there is no clear winner. With increasing competition and supply chain issues slowing both assembly and shipping, the fight is still on for every brand that has brought a digital canvas to market. That battle will only continue to rage as even more competitors announce their arrival.

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